Laura Caballero


By Kimberly Rene’ Vanecek

Laura Caballero held her BFA Exhibition at the Glass Box Gallery yesterday where she presented a line of jewelry that reflected fun and happy images from her childhood.

She designed “Recollections” to include gummy bears as earrings and pendants, rings synonymous with the sweet hearts or conversation hearts, and dangle earrings that look like cotton candy, made of sterling silver and flocking powder.

She attempts to conjure up memories similar to those when you were little and you left the grocery store. As you leave there were, and still are, the machines that you would put a quarter into and out popped a toy or piece of candy.

Caballero said, “I want the audience to participate in the exhibition by purchasing a specially made translucent pink plastic token and placing that token in an oldfashion gumball machine. A small clear capsule dispenses a one of a kind hand made piece of jewelry.”

The exhibit runs at UTEP February 7 – February 15th

Photographed by Kimberly Rene’ Vanecek